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A selection of lessons from an experienced RE specialist that can help to save time. Quiz's & assemblies appearing

A selection of lessons from an experienced RE specialist that can help to save time. Quiz's & assemblies appearing
KS3 RS - The Bible

KS3 RS - The Bible

A lesson aimed at KS3 (Year 7 & Year 8) - I use this lesson after a series of learning on the ‘Life of Jesus’. This lesson then explains the significance of the Bible in Christianity and the world today. It is a detailed discussion based lesson with a supporting worksheet with tasks around the idea of the Bible as a library. The lesson also explores the links with the Torah and the differences between the Old and new Testament. Activities also include, a Divergent thinking starter, worksheet with colouring & questions, Purple Pen style check & improvement, True and false (Whiteboard or Book) and reflection questions at the end. With some tweaks could easily be two lessons if required.
KS3 RS - the Problem of Evil

KS3 RS - the Problem of Evil

A lesson about the problem of Evil for KS3 RS. It introduces the concept of Natural & Moral Evil, Mackie’s Problem of Evil and Theodicies (Augustine & Iraneaus) in response. The lesson has a simple retrieval starter (easy to edit), Teacher model and questions (with extension answers).
KS3 RS - Foundation of Faith Bundle

KS3 RS - Foundation of Faith Bundle

6 Resources
A 6 week Scheme of Work aimed at the start of studying RE at secondary school. The Bundle includes a lesson - Belief - what people believe and why, statistics about religions around the world compared with the local areas. The Big 6 adding some overall detail about the worlds Big 6 religions including language, texts, founders, buildings, symbols & Deity. Abraham, Moses and Jonah all individual lesson looking at the development of the Abrahamic monotheistic religions - looking at belief in God, sacrifice, challenge and following. Story based based. This is then concluded with an assessment - covering some knowledge based questions around Belief & The Big 6 and then some extended answers around the Stories. The aim of topic is to start to explore the students own beliefs, to try and introduce some wider knowledge about different religions both locally & worldwide. The by looking at key figures - introducing monotheism in the Abrahamic religions.
Ethics OCR Bundle - A Level

Ethics OCR Bundle - A Level

7 Resources
A collection of some of the Key topics from the Ethics & Christian Development sections of the course of the course. Including Natural Law, Euthanasia, Meta Ethics and Conscience from the perspective of Freud & Aquinas, Person of Jesus, Bonhoeffer and Liberation Theology.
KS4 RS - When does life begin & Abortion (non-examined)

KS4 RS - When does life begin & Abortion (non-examined)

This is double lesson used for non-examined KS4 classes. It discusses when life begins with a student task. It then introduces Catholic & C of E opinions in comparison to start to discuss the Abortion. Again it includes different Christian opinions and content around the Law.
KS5 OCR - Bonhoeffer

KS5 OCR - Bonhoeffer

An introduction and overview lesson for Bonhoeffer from OCR Christain Devlopments H573. Content to help explain the background and context of Bonhoeffer leading to a summary task. Targetted questions for the studenst to work through and answer from supporting textbooks for discussion.
KS5 -OCR Christian Development - Jesus

KS5 -OCR Christian Development - Jesus

A lesson focusing upon the key elements of the person of Christ. Looking at key titles, nature, wisdom and authroity. Summarising the uniqueness of the Person of Jesus. OCR H573 Christian developments
KS4 RS - OCR GCSE - Christian Practice Bundle

KS4 RS - OCR GCSE - Christian Practice Bundle

3 Lessons covering - Mission of the Church, Holy Orders and the Role of the Church in the Wider World. Includes world council of Church’s, Modern Church mission, Salvation Army, Jesus & Authority, 7 sacraments, Process of Holy Orders, Ecumenical, Persecuted Church, Charity - Cafod / Christian Aid / Tearfund. Also includes some 3 mark and 6 mark exam questions with some Waggoll’s.
KS3 RS - Just War

KS3 RS - Just War

A KS3 lesson linking to the OCR topic of Religion, Peace and Conflict. The lesson raises the idea of Just War - Jus ad Bellum & Jus in Bello. It also includes Bible quotes to analyses and then apply Just war to WW1 & the Gulf War with information included. Leads to an extended question to answer with GCSE style guidance for 6 mark answer.
KS4 RS - OCR GCSE Religion, Peace & Conflict Bundle

KS4 RS - OCR GCSE Religion, Peace & Conflict Bundle

3 lessons created to introduce the topic to students and widen their knowledge around the topic. Lessons include Christian Teachings on violence in the Bible, Jesus, Religion & Politics, C of E, Catholic, Terrorism, Extremism, Prevent, Peace & Forgivness, Technological, Conventional Apocolyptic warfare, Christain Realism, Law of War and Army Chaplins. Based around using / working with Religious studies tectbook book by Lorriane Abbott & Steve Clark.
KS3 RS - Inner Peace

KS3 RS - Inner Peace

A KS3 lesson focused around finding inner peace - includes work around the Sufi & Serenity Prayer inlcuding questions with reflections. Then main task around ‘Dead Man Walking’ and the idea of seeking inner peace.
KS3 RS - HOLI (Festivals)

KS3 RS - HOLI (Festivals)

KS3 - Religious Festivals SOW Can be used as stand alone lesson or as part of the larger SOW on festivals (appearing as a bundle soon). Taught in year 7 to help to introduce knowledge around diversity, celebration and some key points about different established world religions. Perhaps religions and celebrations that students don’t know about and haven’t yet had the chance to experience.
KS3 RS - Abraham (Foundations of Faith)

KS3 RS - Abraham (Foundations of Faith)

Lesson from the beginning of year 7 to help to introduce the Abrahamic religions and the importance of differnet key figures. A lesson on Abraham and his relationship with God. Then a follow up lesson on Moses and his path to God available as well. Part of an Introduction to RE SOW (On it’s way as a bundle)
KS3 RS - Passover  (Festivals)

KS3 RS - Passover (Festivals)

Passover KS3 - Religious Festivals SOW Can be used as stand alone lesson or as part of the larger SOW on festivals (appearing as a bundle soon). Taught in year 7 to help to introduce knowledge around diversity, celebration and some key points about different established world religions. Perhaps religions and celebrations students don’t know about and have yet to experience.
KS3 RS - Jonah and the Whale (Foundations of Faith)

KS3 RS - Jonah and the Whale (Foundations of Faith)

Lesson from the beginning of year 7 to help to introduce the Abrahamic religions and the importance of differnet key figures. A lesson on Jonah & the Whale. Exploring the idea of following God’s instructions and morality. This a follow to the lessons on Abrahm and Moses available as well. Part of an Introduction to RE SOW (On it’s way as a bundle)